An exhausting night for metaphors

An exhausting night for metaphors -- so many torches passed -- so many people thrown under so many buses. Metaphors will have hardly any rest tonite because tomorrow is a whole new day of metaphor exhaustion. Ambulances are standing by to rush any metaphors that drop from exhaustion. Metaphors cannot wait for the sunset of this convention.

And yet, the metaphorical marathon rages on. Speechwriters are frantically shuffling through thesauruses like gamblers at a poker table, desperately searching for that one last cliché that hasn't yet been overused. The delegates, too, have their work cut out for them. They've been dodging bullet points, sidestepping slippery slopes, and trying not to drown in a sea of empty promises. By the end of this ordeal, the metaphorical bandages will be running low, and everyone will be nursing a hangover from the overflowing cup of rhetoric.

But fear not, for tomorrow brings new opportunities to stretch the limits of figurative language even further. The convention floor will once again become a battlefield, where words are weapons, and every sentence is a landmine waiting to be stepped on.

The metaphors will rise like phoenixes from the ashes of yesterday's speeches, only to be set ablaze by the flames of yet another round of oratory excess. If they survive, they'll have earned a much-deserved retirement in the dusty pages of history books. If not, they'll simply be swept under the rug – another casualty in the endless war of words.

Phil Shapiro,


"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
"Learning happens thru gentleness."
"We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options."  David Suzuki


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