The Story of Cynthia the Contemplative Turtle

Ever since she was a young turtle, Cynthia appreciated the value of making careful decisions. Her aunt's favorite motto was, "Haste makes waste." She listened carefully to whatever her aunt told her, because her aunt often had wise things to say.

As she grew older, Cynthia noticed that the other turtles were often reckless in their decision making. They would act without thinking, and would later regret not having thought things through.

Cynthia preferred to take things slow, considering every angle to a question before making a decision. When it came time for group decision making, Cynthia would often tell the other turtles, "Not so fast." The other turtles were unaccustomed to people telling them to slow down, but they grudgingly admitted that Cynthia was right.

Over time, the other turtles embraced the art of slowing down. As a joke, they started telling each other, "Not so fast." What started as a joke, though, became a cultural norm in the pond. Once, when a cheetah came down to the pond to drink, one of the younger turtles yelled out to the cheetah, "Not so fast." This startled the cheetah, who darted away at top speed, muttering to himself, "Never heard anything so crazy as that in my life."

Cynthia, content with the positive change she had brought to her pond, continued to live a thoughtful and contemplative life. Her reputation as the wise turtle spread far and wide, and animals from neighboring ponds would seek her counsel. Cynthia was more than happy to share her insights, always reminding them that taking a moment to reflect could make a world of difference.

One day, as Cynthia basked in the sun on a rock near the pond, a young rabbit approached her tentatively. "Excuse me, Cynthia," the rabbit said, "I've heard about your wisdom, and I'm facing a dilemma. Can you help me?"

Cynthia nodded gracefully and invited the rabbit to sit beside her. The rabbit explained the predicament, and Cynthia listened attentively. After a thoughtful pause, Cynthia shared her wisdom, advising the rabbit to weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions. The rabbit left, feeling more confident and equipped to handle the situation.

News of Cynthia's guidance spread even further, reaching creatures of the forest and the meadows. The animals admired Cynthia's approach to decision-making, and soon, the phrase "Not so fast" echoed beyond the pond. Animals of all shapes and sizes adopted the saying, turning it into a universal reminder to think before acting.

Cynthia's influence extended to the neighboring ponds, where turtles started embracing the art of slowing down in their decision-making process. Other creatures, inspired by the wisdom radiating from Cynthia's pond, began practicing considered judgment in their own lives.

The once-reckless cheetah, who had been startled by the turtle's unexpected warning, decided to pay a visit to Cynthia's pond. To everyone's surprise, the cheetah had transformed into a more deliberate and contemplative creature. He approached the turtles and thanked them for teaching him the importance of thoughtful decision-making.

Cynthia's pond had become a symbol of wisdom and mindfulness, attracting visitors from various corners of the animal kingdom. The turtles, once known for their impulsive behavior, now proudly upheld the tradition of seeking consensus and carefully considering each decision. Cynthia, the contemplative turtle, had not only changed the culture of her pond but had also left a lasting impact on the entire animal community.


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Phil Shapiro,


"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
"Learning happens thru gentleness."
"We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options."  David Suzuki


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