Lucinda's Lego Room

      Lucinda was a bright and creative five year old. She loved building structures out of Lego blocks. She was very skilled at making big Lego structures. Her two little brothers, though, would often grab pieces of her Lego structures and throw them around the house. This would frustrate Lucinda. She told her mom, Ariane, "I spent so much time working on that Lego project, and then my little brothers tear it apart." Mom thought for a while and then consulted her best friend. "What do you think I should do about this situation." Her best friend quickly replied, "Lucinda needs her own little Lego room – with a door and a key to that door."

      That seemed like a sensible idea, but Ariane didn't have a spare room in the house for that purpose. Ariane's parents had taught her the saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way," so Ariane kept thinking about how she could create a Lego room for Lucinda. One day, in the shower, the idea popped into her mind. She could divide up the large laundry room in the basement by building an interior wooden wall, with a door. But Ariane's carpentry skills were poor, so she would need to find someone to help her do that.

      Across town, Lucy, about the same age as Ariane, was so proud of her carpentry skills. She had learned carpentry skills when she was in prison and now she was itching to put those skills to use. Ariane's cousin worked in that same prison and stayed in touch with Lucy after Lucy was released from prison.

      The only obstacle was that Lucy did not own a car and there were no convenient buses between Lucy's home and Ariane's home. Ariane's plan sounded like it had so much promise, but the transportation piece to this puzzle would need to be figured out.

      Down the street from Ariane, her neighbor Neal had recently retired. He was looking for something to do with his time. Ariane would have never thought to contact Neal, but they ran into each other when walking their dogs. In a flash, Ariane realized she could hire Neal to transport Lucy over to build Lucinda's Lego room. Ariane would do anything for Neal. More than ten years ago, Neal's wife rescued Ariane's dog from drowning.

       When Ariane raised this idea with Neal, his response was even better than she expected. "I'll gladly drive Lucy back and forth to your house. I don't really need the money, though, so let's pass that money along to Lucy."  With Neal's contributed money, Lucy could be paid twice as much for her carpentry work.

      Lucy showed up the following weekend and got busy building Lucinda's Lego room. The smell of sawdust filled the air as Lucy measured and cut the wood pieces to size. With each passing week, the Lego room was taking shape. The final step was to choose an elegant lock, with an elegant key, for the door to the room. Lucy received help from a local librarian to do some web searches for this item. They found just the right lock with just the right key. The key was gold in color and was much larger in size than other kinds of keys. This key could almost be used in a castle.

     Lucinda had finished her latest Lego structure when her mom invited her to visit her new Lego room. The room was small, but Lucinda knew that it belonged to her. She carefully placed her Lego structure on the table in the room and walked back to lock the door. The lock made a beautifully sound as it locked. Lucinda sighed a heavy sigh of relief. Her cherished Lego structures were now protected. Ariane shook Lucy's hand as she said, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Lucy replied, "So much is possible when people work together for common goals."


Public domain. Freely share in print or digital form.

Phil Shapiro,


"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
"Learning happens thru gentleness."
"We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options."  David Suzuki


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