The Lemming Who Advocated for Critical Thinking Skills

In a small, bustling lemming community nestled at the foot of a lush green hill, there lived a curious and thoughtful lemming named Leonard. Unlike his fellow lemmings, who often acted on impulse without much consideration, Leonard had a deep appreciation for critical thinking and the power it held to shape one's understanding of the world.

As Leonard ventured through life, he couldn't help but notice the consequences of hasty decisions made by his fellow lemmings. They would often follow each other blindly without questioning the consequences of their actions. This worried Leonard, for he believed that if they embraced critical thinking, they could make more informed choices and avoid unnecessary mishaps.

One sunny morning, Leonard decided to take matters into his own paws. He stood atop a large rock, calling for the attention of all the lemmings gathered below. "Fellow lemmings," he began, "I believe it's time for us to cultivate greater critical thinking skills. By doing so, we can make wiser choices and lead happier, more fulfilling lives."

The crowd fell silent as they looked at Leonard with puzzled expressions. "Critical thinking?" a lemming asked, "What's that?"

Leonard's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as he explained, "Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information, consider different perspectives, and draw reasoned conclusions. It helps us understand the world better and make better decisions."

Another lemming raised a paw, asking, "Where can we learn critical thinking skills?"

Leonard smiled, knowing exactly where to point them. "The public library is the perfect place to start." he declared. "There, you'll find a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom to enhance your understanding of the world."

"But where should we begin?" the crowd asked in unison.

"Start with Thoreau's 'Walden,'" Leonard replied. "This timeless book will provide you with a strong foundation in thinking for yourself, questioning assumptions, and finding meaning in simplicity."


The lemmings nodded, eager to embark on this new journey of self-discovery. They rushed to several different public libraries, each lemming considering which local library would best suit their needs. Excitement filledthe air as they entered the world of books and learning. Each lemming picked up a copy of "Walden" and began reading, taking their time to reflect and ponder on Thoreau's profound words.

As the days passed, the lemmings engaged in spirited discussions about the book's concepts. They challenged each other's perspectives and embraced the idea of thinking independently. Leonard was overjoyed to witness his fellow lemmings evolving into thoughtful and mindful creatures. Some of them dyed their hair purple.

One evening, the lemmings gathered once more to celebrate their newfound knowledge. They shared their insights and experiences from reading "Walden." It was a delightful chaos as the lemmings clapped their paws in non-unison, rejoicing in their individuality and unique perspectives.

From that day on, the lemming community transformed. They became more considerate in their actions, always taking a moment to pause and think before making decisions. They valued each other's opinions and respected differing viewpoints, acknowledging that critical thinking was the key to a harmonious and thriving society.

Leonard, the advocate lemming, beamed with pride as he saw the positive impact of his efforts. He knew that with each lemming embracing critical thinking, the community would continue to flourish, making the world a better place, one thoughtful decision at a time. And so, with newfound wisdom and unity, the lemmings marched confidently into the future, empowered by their critical thinking skills and their appreciation for the power of knowledge.

Phil Shapiro,


"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
"Learning happens thru gentleness."
"We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options."  David Suzuki


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